Services for Updating Strategic Support Documents – The Maramureş County Spatial Plan

Services for Updating Strategic Support Documents – The Maramureş County Spatial Plan Period: 2022-2023 Beneficiary: Maramureş County Council Prepared by: SC Aedilis Proiect SRL, Babeş-Bolyai University – Faculty of Geography Coordinator of the UBB team of experts: Associate Professor Iuliu Vescan, PhD The…

Creation of a spatial database of drone imagery and vector and 3D derivatives

Creation of a spatial database of drone imagery and vector and 3D derivatives Elaboration period: 27.05.2021 – 01.06.2023 Beneficiary: Aiton Mayor’s Office (Cluj County) Project Manager: Lecturer Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, PhD Designed as an absolutely necessary service for any administrative-territorial unit,…

Inventory, Assessment and Prioritization of Tourism Resources in the North-West Region

Inventarierea, evaluarea şi prioritizarea punerii în valoare a resurselor turistice ale Regiunii de Nord-Vest [Inventory, Assessment and Prioritization of Tourism Resources in the North-West Region] Period: 2019 Beneficiary: North-West Regional Development Agency Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean Registered as a consultancy service, the…

The Sălaj County Spatial Plan

Elaborare Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Județean Sălaj [The Sălaj County Spatial Plan] Period: 2018-2023 Beneficiary: Sălaj County Council Prepared by: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning – Centre for Research, Design, Expertise and Consulting, S.C. Urban Team S.R.L., S.C. Quattro…

Analysis and Diagnosis Study on the Agritourism Development Potential of Sătmar Area Local Action Group for the Implementation of the Local Development Plan

Studiu – analiză şi diagnostic privind potenţialul de dezvoltare agroturistică a teritoriului GAL Zona Sătmarului, în vederea implementării planului de dezvoltare locală [Analysis and Diagnosis Study on the Agritourism Development Potential of Sătmar Area Local Action Group for the Implementation…

Analysis and Diagnosis Study on the Agritourism Development Potential of Southwest Satu Mare Local Action Group for the Implementation of the Local Development Plan

Studiu – analiză şi diagnostic privind potenţialul de dezvoltare agroturistică a teritoriului GAL Sud-Vest Satu Mare, în vederea implementării planului de dezvoltare locală [Analysis and Diagnosis Study on the Agritourism Development Potential of Southwest Satu Mare Local Action Group for…

Development Strategy for the Commune of Aiton

Strategia de Dezvoltare a Comunei Aiton [Development Strategy for the Commune of Aiton] Period: 2013 Beneficiary: Aiton Mayor’s Office Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean Commune of Aiton is an excellent example of bipolar rural system, consisting of two neighbouring settlements, Aiton and…

Inter-City Spatial Plan for Sinaia – Azuga – Buşteni – Predeal – Râşnov – Braşov (Poiana Braşov)

Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal Inter-Orăşenesc-Sinaia, Buşteni, Azuga, Predeal, Râşnov, Braşov (Poiana Braşov) [Inter-City Spatial Plan for Sinaia – Azuga – Buşteni – Predeal – Râşnov – Braşov (Poiana Braşov)] Period: 2009-2011 Beneficiary: Ministry of Regional Development and Housing Project Manager: Professor…

Update to the Maramureş County Spatial Plan

Reactualizare Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Judeţean – PATJ – Judeţul Maramureş [Update to the Maramureş County Spatial Plan] Period: 2009 Beneficiary: Maramureş County Council Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The spatial plan was based from the outset on a thorough analysis of…

Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County – Reconfiguration of the Urban-Rural Relationship in the Context of Territorial Cohesion and the Strategic Environmental Analysis for the Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County

Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal Valea Hârtibaciului, Judeţul Sibiu – reconfigurarea relaţiei urban-rural în contextul coeziunii teritoriale şi analiza strategică de mediu pentru Planul de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal Valea Hârtibaciului, Judeţul Sibiu [Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu…

Zonal Spatial Plan for Mărginimea Sibiului

Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal – PATZ – Mărginimea Sibiului [Zonal Spatial Plan for Mărginimea Sibiului] Period: 2009 Beneficiary: Reuniunea Mărginenilor Association Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean Mărginimea Sibiului, as optimal framework for the manifestation of territorial cohesion due to the presence…

Economic and Social Development Strategy for the Commune of Sărmăşag, Sălaj County

Strategia de Dezvoltare Economico-Socială a Comunei Sărmăşag (Judeţul Sălaj) [Economic and Social Development Strategy for the Commune of Sărmăşag – Sălaj County] Period: 2008 Beneficiary: Sărmăşag Mayor’s Office Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The commune of Sărmăşag falls into the category of…

Analysis of the Present State of Territorial Development Trends in the Romanian Tisa Basin

Analiză privind stadiul actual al tendinţelor dezvoltării teritoriale în bazinul românesc al râului Tisa [Analysis of the Present State of Territorial Development Trends in the Romanian Tisa Basin] Period: 2007 Beneficiary: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Works and Housing Project Manager: Professor Pompei…

Local Development Strategy for the City of Craiova

Strategie de Dezvoltare Locală pentru Municipiul Craiova [Local Development Strategy for the City of Craiova] Period: 2006 Beneficiary: Craiova Mayor’s Office Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The socio-economic development strategy of the Municipality of Craiova (which can be applied to any urban…

Zonal Spatial Plan for the Peri-urban Area of Bistriţa

Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal – PATZ – Periurbanul Municipiului Bistriţa [Zonal Spatial Plan for the Peri-urban Area of Bistriţa] Period: 2005 Beneficiary: Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The introspections meant to examine the “status” of…

The Cross-border Relations of Satu Mare County as Premise for Euroregional Integration

Relaţiile transfrontaliere ale judeţului Satu Mare ca premisă a integrării euro-regionale [The Cross-border Relations of Satu Mare County as Premise for Euroregional Integration] Period: 2004 Beneficiary: Satu Mare County Council Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The study represents an analysis of the cross-border…

Economic and Social Development Strategy for Tăşnad Microregion

Strategie de dezvoltare economico-socială a microregiunii Tăşnad [Economic and Social Development Strategy for Tăşnad Microregion] Period: 2003 Beneficiary: Tăşnad Mayor’s Office Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The specialists of the Faculty of Geography, with a good knowledge of the territory including all…

North-West Region Spatial Plan. Major Coordinates

Planul de Amenajare a Teritoriului Regiunii de Nord-Vest (PATR). Coordonate majore [North-West Region Spatial Plan. Major Coordinates] Period: 2002-2003 Beneficiaries: Bihor County Council, Bistriţa-Năsăud County Council, Cluj County Council, Maramureş County Council, Satu Mare County Council, Sălaj County Council, North-West Regional Development…

Study of Anthropogenic Risk in the Arieş River Catchment Area (Corresponding to Cluj County)

Studiul riscului antropic în bazinul hidrografic al Arieşului (aferent judeţului Cluj) [Study of Anthropogenic Risk in the Arieş River Catchment Area (Corresponding to Cluj County)] Period: 2000-2001 Beneficiary: Cluj County Council Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean The study is divided into seven…

The Inter-County Spatial Plan – The Inter-County Contact Area of Cluj, Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş, Mureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj

Planul de amenajare a teritoriului interjudeţean (PATIJ) – Zona de contact interjudeţeană Cluj, Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş, Mureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj [The Inter-County Spatial Plan – The Inter-County Contact Area of Cluj, Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş, Mureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj] Elaboration period:…