Local Development Strategy for the City of Craiova

Strategie de Dezvoltare Locală pentru Municipiul Craiova [Local Development Strategy for the City of Craiova]

Period: 2006
Beneficiary: Craiova Mayor’s Office
Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean

The socio-economic development strategy of the Municipality of Craiova (which can be applied to any urban entity) is based on the findings of the previous introspections dedicated to the analysis of the existing situation and dysfunctions, as well as on the SWOT analysis elaborated by the planning institution. It was then completed by the local actors with useful suggestions and proposals, namely by those called upon to apply this strategy, who formed specialized working groups from the very beginning of the analysis. The parameters of the strategy derive primarily from the needs to eliminate the existing dysfunctions and to optimize the structure and functions of the territorial system of Craiova, but also from the scientifically formulated projection of its future becoming. Our proposals, far from being too bold, sum up those interventions that concentrate the most fertile valences, the most complex and beneficial impact for optimizing the urban organism. An innovative strategy must emerge from the anonymity of the ordinary and must become a ferment capable to catalyse the energies of a certain place in order to support its permanent development and affirmation. And this is certainly the case of the proposed strategy that Craiova, one of the top Romanian cities, fully deserves.

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