Analysis of the occurrence probability of water-related hazards. Case study: the upper basin of the Ilişua River and the flood-prone sections of the local administrative unit of Târlişua, Bistriţa-Năsăud County


Analiza probabilităţii de manifestare a hazardelor hidrice. Studiu de caz: bazinul superior al râului Ilişua şi secţiuni inundabile ale U.A.T. Târlişua, judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud [Analysis of the occurrence probability of water-related hazards. Case study: the upper basin of the Ilişua River and the flood-prone sections of the local administrative unit of Târlişua, Bistriţa-Năsăud County]

Author: Béla Kobulniczky
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2021
Description: 41 p., 38 figures, 16 tables
ISBN 978-606-37-1089-6

The book, originating as a master’s dissertation, is the result of a research that highlights elements of probabilistic and deterministic nature. The study is based on the spatial analysis of the occurrence probability of water-related hazards performed using spatial modelling software. It is important to conduct such an analysis at the basin level because it also highlights the contribution of other watercourses in outlining a scenario favourable for triggering floods. The study analyses several types of water-related hazards that can occur under certain conditions generated by various factors: floods, flash floods, torrential floods, and factors that influence soil erosion. 


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