Strategia de dezvoltare a comunei Aiton [Development Strategy for the Commune of Aiton]

Strategia de dezvoltare a comunei Aiton [Development Strategy for the Commune of Aiton]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Authors: Ana-Maria Pop, Hognogi Gheorghe-Gavrilă, Mihalca Izabela-Amalia, Spânu Smaranda
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca

Publication date: 2014
Description: 129 p., A4, 97 ill., 83 bibliographic titles, ISBN 978-973-53-1192-6

Elaborated by a team of young researchers of the Centre for Regional Geography, under the coordination of Professor Pompei Cocean, the book presents the potential development directions of a lower local administrative unit, namely the commune of Aiton, located in Cluj County. Passing through the filter of an objective analysis of the territorial reality (natural and demographic potential, settlement network, built heritage, technical infrastructure, economic and socio-cultural activities), the commune of Aiton meets all the attributes of a community receptive to optimization, innovation and territorial competitiveness. The peripheral position of the two component localities, Aiton and Rediu, at the eastern extremity of the Feleac Hills and the abandonment, during the Middle Ages, of the Roman road that crossed Aiton have led to a deep rural area despite the historical importance of this village in antiquity. With a vision of development for the next half a century (until 2050), the commune of Aiton has all the attributes for its metamorphosis into a dynamic territorial unit, starting from its economic recovery based on the increase in agricultural suitability, demographic regeneration and the valorisation of the tangible and intangible heritage of the commune.

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