Studiu – analiză şi diagnostic privind potenţialul de dezvoltare agroturistică a teritoriului GAL Zona Sătmarului, în vederea implementării planului de dezvoltare locală [Analysis and Diagnosis Study on the Agritourism Development Potential of Sătmar Area Local Action Group for the Implementation of the Local Development Plan]
Period: 2014
Beneficiary: Microregional Development Association of the Communities in Sătmar Area
Project Manager: Lecturer Nicoleta David, PhD
In the context of achieving the desiderata of this project in the territory (rational, sustainable exploitation and efficient use of the local natural and human resources, with the production of added value in the immediate interest of the local community; development of the local economy and, thereby, the increase in the number of jobs and the provision of an income able to raise the standard of living; social affirmation – its defining domains such as education, public health, culture and religious groups benefiting, directly and indirectly, from the material advantages emerged; conservation of the material and spiritual heritage of ethnographic origin; environmental protection and conservation), of attenuating or eliminating the sometimes striking dysfunctions and disparities existent at the level of the spatial micro-system of the component communes or at the level of LAG Sătmar Area in its entirety, certain premises are created for the emergence of territorial cohesion, which is a major objective of the EU development policies, intensely discussed and highlighted in its recent documents. However, it assumes, as mandatory conditions, the prior achievement of the economic and social cohesion by eliminating disparities and dysfunctions existent in the structure of the spatial system, at the level of the communities that compose it.