Scientific Journey in the Suburbs of Poland

Contemporary Developments in the Suburbs of Post-Socialist Cities

On Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Personal Leadership – Online Workshop with Cristina Nichita

Leadership and Entrepreneurship Workshop for Students and Master’s Students

The Faculty of Geography – an Institution with a Traditional Collaboration between the Academic and Research Environment and the Socio-Economic Environment

Planificare teritorială: de la teorie la practică. Studii de caz din Ținutul Pădurenilor [Territorial Planning: from Theory to Practice. Case Studies from Ţinutul Pădurenilor]

How Participatory is Participatory Budgeting… with Adrian Dohotaru

Reflections Associated with Participatory Budgeting in a New Edition of the CGR Meetings

Popularizing Science among the General Public

The Centre for Regional Geography at the European Researchers’ Night

Practical Training in Ţinutul Pădurenilor, 9-12 May 2022

Services for Updating Strategic Support Documents – The Maramureş County Spatial Plan

Announcement: Practical training in Ţinutul Pădurenilor, 9-13 May 2022

Perceptions on “Smart” Planning in Timişoara

Timişoara: Between “Strong Development” and “Smart Development”

Territorial Development, with or without Planning?

Geographical Introspections on Territorial Planning from the West University of Timişoara

About Climate Services from the Perspective of a Climatologist

Climate: from Resource to Threat to Regional Development

International Conference Creativity, Culture, Development, Timișoara, 11-12 November 2021

The Centre for Regional Geography (CGR) is a research unit within the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, focused on complex research, namely fundamental research, applied research and delivery of services to the community, in the field of regional geography, and territorial arrangement and planning.

CGR was founded in 2003 and accredited by the National University Research Council (CNCSIS) in 2004. It was born from the need of institutionalizing a new research direction initiated by Professor Pompei Cocean at the Faculty of Geography, in 1997, when the Inter-County Spatial Plan – The Inter-County Contact Area of Cluj, Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş, Mureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj was won, an exceptional project in terms of theoretical, methodological and practical load. This was followed, in a logical connection, by other important projects and research grants that led to a real specialization in the field of spatial planning and in the elaboration of development strategies for all known regional taxa – region, county (zone), microregion, city or commune.

As a result, the programme of the centre aims at state-of-the-art regional approaches to assessing the natural and human potential of various geographical units and subunits, spatial planning, economic and social development strategies at regional, zonal, microregional, or local level, areas, poles and axes of spatial gravity, economic, social or infrastructural disparities, territorial cohesion, etc. A recent concern for a group of researchers at CGR is the issue of geographical mental spaces, where their contributions have already become significant.

The Centre for Regional Geography in figures

Celebrating the 20th anniversary: 2003-2023

The 26th edition of the CGR Meetings

29 March 2024


Book Release

Upcoming Events

October 2024The CGR Meetings series will be resumed in October 2024.