Reflections Associated with Participatory Budgeting in a New Edition of the CGR Meetings
The CGR meetings will be resumed in November 2022 with a topic of interest for any local community – participatory budgeting, a topic debated with Adrian Dohotaru, civic and political activist, researcher, and wannabe filmmaker.
The debate is also occasioned by the release of the most recent volume signed by Adrian Dohotaru, Participatory Budgeting: Between Emancipation and Embezzlement, volume published at the Cluj University Press, in 2022. The work is based not only on the analysis of specialized literature, but also on dozens of interviews and field observations about how citizens get involved in the life of the city. The book explains what happened to the initial civic proposals and debates how local administrations have implemented an innovative participatory process. At the same time, it presents the existing disputes in the Romanian space regarding the design of participatory budgeting. Finally, the volume also shows how an in-depth process design can lead to the return of the stakes of citizen emancipation, as they were in Latin America and in the proposals of activists in Central and Eastern Europe.
The event will take place in physical format, at the headquarters of the Centre for Regional Geography (5-7 Clinicilor St., Cluj-Napoca), on Friday, 4 November 2022, at 10:00 a.m.
Adi Dohotaru (2022), Bugetarea participativă: între emancipare și deturnare [Participatory Budgeting: Between Emancipation and Embezzlement], Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 220 p.