EUROPA. EXERCIŢII DE ANALIZĂ GEOGRAFICĂ INTEGRATĂ [Europe. Exercises of Integrated Geographical Analysis]

Author: Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi
Publication date: 2019
Description: 58 p., 44 figures, 36 tables and charts, 18 bibliographic titles
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
ISBN 978-973-53-2290-8
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca
eISBN 978-606-37-0510-6 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

This is a book with a structure proposed to be able to provide, in a synthetic manner, answers to questions about the evolution of the European continent in all three temporal dimensions: past, present and especially future. The necessity of providing these answers by the Romanian academia is justified, firstly, by the location of Romania in Europe and not on another continent and, secondly, by the fact that we appreciate the understanding of the framework immediately outside the national level as a natural approach, in the context of the dynamics of the information flow, from which it is difficult to differentiate the correct information from the intentionally flawed one, and not only. The three chapters attempt to portray the “success story” of a continent from three different geographical perspectives: 1. Boundaries; 2. Relief. Evolution and Implications in the Continent’s Economy; 3. Characteristics of Climate and Water Resources. In order to acquire a complete geographical picture of the continent, similar analyses from other five perspectives are highly required: 4. Bio-pedological Features; 5. Demographic Issues; 6. European Economic Patterns; 7. Historical Heritage (elements of cultural heritage); 8. Current and Future Challenges (geopolitical issues).


DEPOPULAREA SPAŢIILOR RURALE MONTANE. MUNŢII POIANA RUSCĂ. GHID DE RECOMANDĂRI [Depopulation in Mountain Rural Areas. The Poiana Ruscă Mountains. Recommendation Guidebook]

Authors: Cocean Pompei, Ana-Maria Pop, Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, Lelia Papp, Alexandra-Camelia Potra, Nicoleta David
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2018
Description: 44 p., B5, 33 figures, 26 bibliographic titles
ISBN: 978-973-53-2208-3
eISBN: 978-973-53-2220-5 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

The book contains some recommendation guidelines on the development of the depopulation phenomenon in the Poiana Ruscă Mountains, by presenting the European and local context, including the identification of causalities and effects in the territory, and the specification of intervention recommendations for some of the mountain villages. The lack of cohesion between the European policies encouraging the consolidation of a local mountain economy, less focused on repopulation measures, and the national or the local measures applied in the analyzed territory is the main reason why the viability of settlements is now questioned.


[The District of Ciceu – Regional Analysis]

Author: Alexandra-Camelia Potra
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2017
Description: 368 p., B5, 80 figures, 14 tables, 304 bibliographic titles
eISBN 978-973-53-2031-7 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

The book Ţinutul Ciceului – analiză regională [The District of Ciceu – Regional Analysis] continues the analysis of the “land”-type units known under the name of “ţară”, initiated by Professor Pompei Cocean, and commences the regional analyses on the “district”-type of spatial units known in Romania under the name of “ţinut”, becoming, at the same time, the first book published on such a territory. Perceived as a project territory and borrowing the attributes of an authentic mental space, the District of Ciceu stands out at the microregional level as a functional territorial unit, fact validated as research hypothesis in the present book as well. The book is addressed to the academic community, spatial planning specialists, local governments, but also to the general readers and the local communities involved.



PLANIFICARE TERITORIALĂ: DE LA TEORIE LA PRACTICĂ. STUDII DE CAZ DIN ŢINUTUL CICEULUI ŞI ŢARA NĂSĂUDULUI [Territorial Planning: from Theory to Practice. Case Studies from the District of Ciceu and the Land of Năsăud]

Coordinators: Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, Alexandra-Camelia Potra, Ana-Maria Pop, Júlia A. Nagy, Lelia Papp, Ibolya Török, Dănuţ Huciu
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2017
Description: 130 p., B5, 30 ill., 79 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-53-2083-6
eISBN 978-973-53-2084-3 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

The book contains the results of the projects developed by undergraduate students during their practical training in the District of Ciceu and the Land of Năsăud between 21 March and 31 May 2017. Now at its second edition, the book follows the pattern of territorial planning studies and analyses how some territorial resources can be best valorised and become viable solutions for the local communities involved.



ŢARA HAŢEGULUI. STUDIU DE GEOGRAFIE REGIONALĂ [The Land of Haţeg. Study of Regional Geography]

Author: Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2016
Description: 270 p., B5, 77 figures, 9 tables, 226 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-53-1721-8
eISBN 978-973-53-1725-6 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

The book concludes the doctoral series dedicated to the 18 “ţări” (“land”-type units) identified in Romania. Adapted to the needs of the local communities in the Land of Haţeg and following an integrated analysis plan for this territorial system, the book can be a tool for any other type of spatial planning documents. Throughout the six chapters of the book, all thoroughly documented and richly illustrated, the author rigorously treats the regional specificities and the existing territorial strengths and dysfunctions by using a complex, integrated regional-type approach. To accomplish the main goal of this research, namely “to achieve a useful tool”, the author “borrowed” from the historical, economic, ethnographic, geomorphological expertise, and not only, up to the point of achieving practicality.



[Territorial Planning: from Theory to Practice. Case Studies from the Land of Haţeg]

Coordinators: Ana-Maria Pop, Lelia Papp, Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, Júlia A. Nagy, Alexandra-Camelia Potra
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2016
Description: 108 p., B5, 23 ill., 96 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-53-1865-9
eISBN 978-973-53-1866-6 DOWNLOAD E-BOOK

Initiated as a specialty practical training for the undergraduate students in Territorial Planning at the Faculty of Geography, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, the present book is a result of the projects developed by students. All areas of study were chosen from the Land of Haţeg region, each area addressing a current challenge, be it demographic, socio-economic, or environmental. The five studies are focused on issues related to the arrangement of karst areas (Fundătura Ponorului) or of depopulated rural areas (Goteşti) and the valorisation of cultural heritage (Haţeg Fortress, the valley of Râul Alb and the railway sector Băuţar-Subcetate). The book is addressed both to academia and to different local and regional stakeholders.



[Development Strategy for the Aiton Commune]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2014
Description: 129 p., A4, 97 ill., 83 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-53-1192-6

Elaborated by a team of young researchers of the Centre for Regional Geography, under the coordination of Professor Pompei Cocean, the book presents the potential development directions of a lower local administrative unit, namely the commune of Aiton, located in Cluj County. Passing through the filter of an objective analysis of the territorial reality (natural and demographic potential, settlement network, built heritage, technical infrastructure, economic and socio-cultural activities), the commune of Aiton meets all the attributes of a community receptive to optimization, innovation and territorial competitiveness. The peripheral position of the two component localities, Aiton and Rediu, at the eastern extremity of the Feleac Hills and the abandonment, during the Middle Ages, of the Roman road that crossed Aiton have led to a deep rural area despite the historical importance of this village in antiquity. With a vision of development for the next half a century (until 2050), the commune of Aiton has all the attributes for its metamorphosis into a dynamic territorial unit, starting from its economic recovery based on the increase in agricultural suitability, demographic regeneration and the valorisation of the tangible and intangible heritage of the commune.



Coordinators: Pompei Cocean, Annamária Göncz
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2012
Description: 274 p., A4, 41 ill., 40 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-53-0736-3

This book was elaborated by Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, in collaboration with VÁTI - Hungarian Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development and Town Planning, Budapest, the National Research and Development Institute for Urban and Territorial Planning, Bucharest and the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Bucharest. This material includes the results of the pilot project on the Someş Catchment Area developed under the Tisa Catchment Area Development (SEE/A/638/4.2./X - TICAD), a project supported under the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. The aim of this pilot project was to establish a common framework and a transnational network of experts in order to provide optimal solutions for the natural, anthropogenic and industrial risks, and the socio-economic development. The first part of the book is focused on a detailed integrated analysis of the area, reflecting the environmental (most important sources of pollution, conflict areas, SEVESO sites, mining areas) and economic state of the area, as well as water management issues. The stakeholders’ analysis and the identification of development opportunities, of risks or threats were also taken into account. The second part includes the results of the development strategy and the formulation of policy recommendations for decision makers at national, regional and local level.


[Urban Development Strategies. Case Study on the City of Craiova]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2011
Description: 226 p., A4, 48 ill., 108 bibliographic titles
ISBN 978-973-595-257-0

Published in a socio-political context governed by a series of urban transformations, more or less successful, this new book in the Territorial Planning Series, Urban Development Strategies, edited by the Centre for Regional Geography of Babeş-Bolyai University, brings to the fore another perspective on planning a territory at micro-scale level – the city. The existing dysfunctions and disparities, either in terms of socio-economic activities and their competitiveness, the assessment of the existing natural resources and the measures taken to preserve them, or in terms of technical and tourism infrastructure that ensure the accessibility of population and the interconnectivity of settlements, as well as the foreshadowed opportunities require decisions/solutions meant to transform the respective site/area/territory in an important growth pole or gravity area. This is a role assumed by the Mayoralty of Craiova City in the first place, by the strategy developer in the second place and subsequently acknowledged and rendered accountable by the local community. With an important concentration of medical and higher education specializations, an emerging economy, with steps directed from the traditional industries to industries with strong innovative character, and a strong entrepreneurial character of the locals, Craiova stands out as a city with transnational metropolitan valences, where tradition is complemented, and not suppressed, by an innovative environment. The proposed strategic vision envisages precisely these defining features of the city of Craiova. Improvement in the quality of life or the existence of an efficient public administration, coupled with an increased capacity to support the local community are the main goals of this strategy, expressed as intentions within the formulated development directions, objectives, concrete measures and actions.


[Zonal Spatial Plan. Case Study on the Hârtibaci Valley]

Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2010
Description: 216 p., A4, 48 ill., 69 bibliographic titles
ISBN: 978-973-595-104-7

Located right in the heart of Romania, the Hârtibaci Valley is characterized, contrary to the positional advantages available, by an increased ruralism, becoming a territory of profound isolation. Apart from this aspect, the individualisation of a mental space of its own, the superposition over the Hârtibaci Plateau, defined by the presence of protected areas, or the community initiatives for establishing a socio-economic development micro-association to serve their interests are prerequisites that support this area to become a programme region. The study has obstinately aimed at going beyond the current territorial state and at presenting, in a justified and objective manner, a set of directions, measures and targets, individualized for the main areas of action (environment, social and human resources, economy, technical infrastructure, settlement network, built heritage, etc.).


[Mărginimea Sibiului. Spatial Planning and Arrangement]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2009
Description: 282 p., A4, 69 ill., 91 bibliographic titles
ISBN: 978-973-610-962-1

Mărginimea Sibiului, as optimal framework for the manifestation of territorial cohesion due to the presence of a clearly outlined mental space, represents a spatially well-defined region located in the middle of Romania, which can benefit from all the necessary levers that can turn it into a genuine programme region. Taking as its starting point an objective analysis of the current situation, without omitting the natural and human resources or the technical infrastructures of the territory, the social, economic, and environmental aspects, all seen through the magnifying glass of dysfunctions, this territorial unit meets the needs of the beneficiaries, primarily of the local community, by formulating several practical and strategic goals meant to solve the dysfunctions of Mărginimea Sibiului.


[Peri-urban Spatial Planning. Case Study: Bistriţa Peri-urban Area]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2007
Description: 272 p., A4, 63 ill., 61 bibliographic titles
ISBN: (10) 973-610-466-4, (13) 978-973-610-466-4

The introspections meant to examine the “status” of a territory in order to elaborate the sustainable development strategy have different degrees of complexity, in close correlation to the size of the spatial entity under analysis (region, area, site) and to the diversity of levels that interact. The planning study, here applied to a special territorial structure, however, extremely widespread and characteristic known as peri-urban area, aims to emphasize the development potential of the respective area, no matter of its location (in this case, the peri-urban area of the Municipality of Bistriţa), indispensably taking into account, as a sine qua non condition, the current status, together with the emphasis of the existing dysfunctions. The importance and viability of this study is concentrated in the accuracy of highlighting the structure and functions of the peri-urban territorial system, of elaborating those sectoral development strategies able to activate the entire potential of the area and to transform it in a competitive player on the regional, national or international market, in an as short time as possible.


[North-West Region Spatial Plan. Major Coordinates]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2004
Description: 273 p., A4, 63 ill.
ISBN: 973-610-284-X

The comprehensive and complex analysis of the regional territory, illustrated in this case for the North-West Development Region, becomes a conglomerate of immediate, practical solutions, but also a reference point for the future planning activities. The detailed knowledge of the territory, the spatial vision that emerges from the pages of this study and the identification of the interrelations between the different components of the region (technical infrastructure, the competitive economic aspects, the complex social and human resources, and the state of the environment) are conditions for the success of this planning model.