Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal – PATZ – Mărginimea Sibiului [Zonal Spatial Plan for Mărginimea Sibiului]
Period: 2009
Beneficiary: Reuniunea Mărginenilor Association
Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean
Mărginimea Sibiului, as optimal framework for the manifestation of territorial cohesion due to the presence of a clearly outlined mental space, represents a spatially well-defined region located in the middle of Romania, which can benefit from all the necessary levers that can turn it into a genuine programme region. Taking as its starting point an objective analysis of the current situation, without omitting the natural and human resources or the technical infrastructures of the territory, the social, economic, and environmental aspects, all seen through the magnifying glass of dysfunctions, this territorial unit meets the needs of the beneficiaries, primarily of the local community, by formulating several practical and strategic goals meant to solve the dysfunctions of Mărginimea Sibiului.