Dr. Iuliu VESCAN

Dr. Iuliu VESCAN Associate Professor   Web of Science ResearcherID: ABC-1911-2020 0000-0001-6845-7152   Areas of professional competence: Certified specialist, accredited by the Romanian Register of Urban Planners; Strategic Environmental Assessment; Local and Regional Environmental Strategies; Regional Planning and Development Specialist…

Dr. Ibolya TÖRÖK

Dr. Ibolya TÖRÖK Associate Professor   Web of Science ResearcherID: AAS-8614-2021 0000-0002-2993-5286   Areas of professional interest: Territorial Disparities; Quantitative Analyses; Techniques of Social Investigation; Territorial Planning; Development of Peripheries e-mail: ibolya.torok@ubbcluj.ro Curriculum Vitae (pdf) Publications (selected titles): Books Cocean…

Dr. Marin ILIEŞ

Dr. Marin ILIEŞ Associate Professor   Web of Science ResearcherID: ABG-1346-2020 0000-0002-3443-3918   Areas of professional interest: Geography of Tourism;  Research Methodology in Tourism and Regional Geography; Map Design and Tourism Mapping; Tourism Planning; Tourism Branding; Tourism Operations; Research and…

Dr. Gabriela ILIEŞ

Dr. Gabriela ILIEŞ Associate Professor   Web of Science ResearcherID: N-3055-2019 0000-0001-7362-0364   Areas of professional interest: Geography of Tourism; Applied Geography; Tourism Prospecting; Geography of Maramureş; Tourism Mapping e-mail: gabriela.ilies@ubbcluj.ro Curriculum Vitae (pdf) Publications (selected titles): Books Ilieş, M.,…

Dr. Sorin FILIP

Dr. Sorin FILIP Associate Professor   Web of Science ResearcherID: F-2036-2018 0000-0003-2758-4184   Areas of professional interest: Regional Geography; Territorial Planning e-mail: sorin.filip@ubbcluj.ro Curriculum Vitae (pdf) Publications (selected titles): Books Cocean  Pompei,  Filip  Sorin  (2011), Geografia  regională  a  României,  Ediţia…

Dr. Titus Cristian MAN

Dr. Titus Cristian MAN Associate Professor Scientific Secretary   Web of Science ResearcherID: AAC-9467-2020  0000-0001-9331-054X   Areas of professional interest: GIS; Digital Mapping; Remote Sensing; Mobility Specialist attested by the Romanian Register of Urban Planners, authorized to sign and seal…

Dr. Raularian RUSU

Dr. Raularian RUSU Associate Professor Executive Director   Web of Science ResearcherID: ABF-7674-2020 0000-0003-3851-4296   Areas of professional interest: Geographical Space Organisation; Territorial Planning; Cross-border Regions; Regional Geography; Historical Geography; Geography of Settlements; Integrated Spatial Planning; Urban Geography; Regional and…