Correlation of the TICAD Project Results with the Tisa River Basin Management Plan, 30 April 2013, Cluj-Napoca
During a two week-stay in Romania, together with other colleagues from the same university, Mr William Cherry, PhD candidate and an IGERT fellow at Southern Illinois University Carbondale in the Department of Geosciences, had a meeting with Professor Pompei Cocean, Lelia Papp, Assistant Lecturer, and Ana-Maria Pop, Research Fellow, members of the TICAD project management team, at the Centre for Regional Geography. Mr Cherry presented the idea of the project he was involved in, namely the achievement of a Management Plan for the Tisa River Basin. He focused on the existing hydrographic elements and requested access to the database and the results of the TICAD project. Professor Cocean had a presentation on the objectives, outputs and results of the TICAD project, the most relevant aspects of the above-mentioned project (publications, papers, database) and provided the contact information of the project partners. The results of the field research and the partial results of the TICAD project can be found in the research project entitled Tisza River Connectivity: Past Losses, Present Dynamics, and Future Opportunities.