A New Master’s Programme at the Faculty of Geography: Spatial Analysis and Territorial Organization

A New Master’s Programme at the Faculty of Geography: Spatial Analysis and Territorial Organization


Spatial Analysis and Territorial Organization is a two-year, full-time research master’s programme in Geography, fully taught in English, which is addressed to all graduates of the Faculty of Geography, in particular to graduates of Geography and Territorial Planning programmes. At the same time, the master’s programme is also accessible to graduates from other state or private faculties, from Romania or abroad, holders of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, regardless of their specialization or year of graduation, who are interested in pursuing a professional career in which they can combine the previously acquired knowledge with the ones resulting from the research of the complex relationships between society and territory.



The fundamental aim of this research master’s programme is to meet the needs for advanced training and formation of skills and abilities in scientific research in the field of Geography. The courses will be oriented towards advanced geographical research that will allow graduates to offer, in various roles and contexts, expertise in spatial analysis and the practice of territorial organization and be able to initiate and manage research projects in territorial assessment, organization, planning, and management. The programme is also conceived as a basis for other post-graduate professional training programmes, specialized or interdisciplinary, but with a strong territorial component. The training and development of scientific investigation skills are considered in order to continue the research independently, especially during doctoral studies, to follow a teaching or research career in the field of Geography.


The programme takes into account the recent trends in the research and learning of Geography at international level and the increasing demand of the society’s needs in the field of territorial knowledge, research, planning, and management. The main objective is to offer the bachelor’s degree graduates an advanced training oriented towards the geographical research based on quantitative and qualitative methods of spatial analysis and cartographic representation. In this respect, students will acquire competencies for a comprehensive investigation of the territory and for the implementation of the research results in development projects.

CURRICULUM valid from the academic year 2020/2021

Compulsory subjects

First year, first semester
GME1101Analiză teritorială pentru dezvoltare (Analysis for Territorial Development)6
GME1102Economia spațiului (Spatial Economics)6
GME1103Analiză geospațială (Geospatial Analysis)6
GME1104Metode de cercetare în managementul teritorial (Research Methods in Territorial Management)6
GMX1105Curs opţional 1 (Optional Course 1)6
First year, second semester
GME1201Dezvoltare economică regională (Regional Economic Development)6
GME1202Identitate teritorială (Territorial Identity)6
GME1203Managementul resurselor umane (Human Resource Management)6
GME1204Administrarea și utilizarea terenurilor (Land and Land-use Administration)6
GMX1205Curs opțional 2 (Optional Course 2)6
Second year, third semester
GME1301Regiuni funcționale urbane (Functional Urban Regions)6
GME1302Regiuni transfrontaliere (Cross-border Regions)6
GME1303Areale și comunități marginale (Marginal Areas and Communities)6
GME1304Asocieri și divizări regionale (Regional Associations and Divisions)6
GMX1305Curs opțional 3 (Optional Course 3)6
Second year, fourth semester
GME1401Stagiu de cercetare (Research internship)25
GME1402Elaborarea lucrării de disertație (Research for the final thesis)5

Optional subjects

First year, first semester
GME1106Metode calitative de cercetare a terenului (Qualitative Field Research Methods)6
GME1107Metode de colectare și analiză a datelor cantitative (Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis )6
First year, second semester
GME1206Legislație în gestiunea teritoriului (Legislation in Territorial Management)6
GME1207Prospectare și amenajare turistică (Tourist Prospecting and Planning)6
Second year, third semester
GME1306Guvernanța destinațiilor turistice (Governance in Tourism Destinations)6
GME1307Planificare, guvernanță și coordonare teritorială (Planning, Governance and Territorial Leadership)6



The final semester is dedicated to the research internship and dissertation, an activity that will take place in the four research centres of the faculty: the Centre for Regional Geography, the Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, the Centre for Research on Geographical Hazards and Risks, and the Research Centre for Sustainable Development.


All activities are coordinated by a group of 18 academics from all five departments of the Faculty of Geography, as well as by invited professors from foreign partner universities or experts in the field of territorial planning and administration.


Entrance Exam 2022 at the Faculty of Geography, Master’s Degree Studies



Babeş-Bolyai University
Faculty of Geography
5-7 Clinicilor Street

Permanent Office of Admission
Open to public: Monday-Friday 9.00-12.00
Phone: 0040-264-431865
E-mail: admit.geografie@ubbcluj.ro


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