Amenajarea teritoriilor periurbane. Studiu de caz: Zona periurbană Bistriţa [Peri-urban Spatial Planning. Case Study: Bistriţa Peri-urban Area]

Amenajarea teritoriilor periurbane. Studiu de caz: Zona periurbană Bistriţa [Peri-urban Spatial Planning. Case Study: Bistriţa Peri-urban Area]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Colectiv de elaborare: Surd Vasile, Zotic Vasile, Sorocovschi Victor, Ciangă Nicolae, Păcurar Alexandru, Bodocan Voicu, Nicoară Liviu, Dezsi Ştefan, Oncu Marcel, Ipatiov Filip, Puiu Viorel, Vescan Iuliu, Man Titus, Ilovan Oana-Ramona, Filip Sorin, Puşcaş Angelica, Irimuş Ioan Aurel, Surdeanu Virgil, Haidu Ionel, Şerban Gheorghe, Benedek József, Moldovan Florin, Croitoru Adina-Eliza, Bătinaş Răzvan, Moldovan Sandu-Ciprian, Fodorean Ioan, Boia Nastasia

Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2007
Description: 272 p., A4, 63 ill., 61 bibliographic titles
ISBN: (10) 973-610-466-4, (13) 978-973-610-466-4

The introspections meant to examine the “status” of a territory in order to elaborate the sustainable development strategy have different degrees of complexity, in close correlation to the size of the spatial entity under analysis (region, area, site) and to the diversity of levels that interact. The planning study, here applied to a special territorial structure, however, extremely widespread and characteristic known as peri-urban area, aims to emphasize the development potential of the respective area, no matter of its location (in this case, the peri-urban area of the Municipality of Bistriţa), indispensably taking into account, as a sine qua non condition, the current status, together with the emphasis of the existing dysfunctions. The importance and viability of this study is concentrated in the accuracy of highlighting the structure and functions of the peri-urban territorial system, of elaborating those sectoral development strategies able to activate the entire potential of the area and to transform it in a competitive player on the regional, national or international market, in an as short time as possible.

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