Planificare teritorială: de la teorie la practică. Studii de caz din Ţinutul Ciceului şi Ţara Năsăudului [Territorial Planning: from Theory to Practice. Case Studies from the District of Ciceu and the Land of Năsăud]
Coordinators: Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, Alexandra-Camelia Potra, Ana-Maria Pop, Júlia A. Nagy, Lelia Papp, Ibolya Török, Dănuţ Huciu
Publisher: Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Publication date: 2017
Description: 130 p., B5, 30 ill., 79 bibliographic titles, ISBN 978-973-53-2083-6, eISBN 978-973-53-2084-3
The book contains the results of the projects developed by undergraduate students during their practical training in the District of Ciceu and the Land of Năsăud between 21 March and 31 May 2017. Now at its second edition, the book follows the pattern of territorial planning studies and analyses how some territorial resources can be best valorised and become viable solutions for the local communities involved.