The Centre for Regional Geography, established in 2003, aims at tackling current scientific approaches in the field of geography such as sustainable local and regional development, territorial cohesion and spatial planning.
The main research objectives are:
1. To conduct research on the regional phenomenon, in all its hypostases.
2. To provide research and consultancy services that address the current societal needs in terms of local and regional development:
- assessment of the natural and human potential of various geographical units and subunits;
- elaboration of territorial development strategies at various scales and levels of complexity (local, microregional, zonal, cross-border, regional, transnational);
- elaboration of spatial planning plans;
- analysis of territorial disparities;
- analysis of areas, poles and axes of spatial gravity;
- analysis of geographical mental spaces;
- analysis of cultural landscapes.
3. To provide training and professional development for researchers, graduate and post-graduate students interested in the field of regional research, through practical training and involvement in research activities.
1. elaboration of spatial planning plans, from microscale to macrosystem level (zonal spatial plans, inter-city spatial plans, inter-county spatial plans, county spatial plans, regional spatial plans), from local, zonal and inter-regional to cross-border and European planning documents;
2. elaboration of development strategies for various territorial levels;
3. fundamental and applied research on regional tourism and its implications for regional development;
4. regional analysis of distinct territorial units such as “ţară” (land) and “ţinut” (district);
5. analysis of cultural landscapes;
6. GIS applied in territorial planning.
DOCUMENTS Organizational Chart of the Centre for Regional Geography