Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County – Reconfiguration of the Urban-Rural Relationship in the Context of Territorial Cohesion and the Strategic Environmental Analysis for the Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County

Plan de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal Valea Hârtibaciului, Judeţul Sibiu – reconfigurarea relaţiei urban-rural în contextul coeziunii teritoriale şi analiza strategică de mediu pentru Planul de Amenajare a Teritoriului Zonal Valea Hârtibaciului, Judeţul Sibiu [Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County – Reconfiguration of the Urban-Rural Relationship in the Context of Territorial Cohesion and the Strategic Environmental Analysis for the Zonal Spatial Plan for the Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County]

Period: 2009
Beneficiary: Ministry of Regional Development and Housing
Project Manager: Professor Pompei Cocean

Located right in the heart of Romania, the Hârtibaciu Valley is characterized, contrary to the positional advantages available, by an increased ruralism, becoming a territory of profound isolation. Apart from this aspect, the individualisation of a mental space of its own, the superposition over the Hârtibaciu Plateau, defined by the presence of protected areas, or the community initiatives for establishing a socio-economic development micro-association to serve their interests are prerequisites that support this area to become a programme region. The study has obstinately aimed at going beyond the current territorial state and at presenting, in a justified and objective manner, a set of directions, measures and targets, individualized for the main areas of action (environment, social and human resources, economy, technical infrastructure, settlement network, built heritage, etc.).

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