Planul de amenajare a teritoriului Regiunii de Nord-Vest (PATR). Coordonate majore [North-West Region Spatial Plan. Major Coordinates]

Planul de amenajare a teritoriului Regiunii de Nord-Vest (PATR). Coordonate majore [North-West Region Spatial Plan. Major Coordinates]

Coordinator: Pompei Cocean
Authors: Sorocovschi Victor Emil, Irimuş Ioan-Aurel, Oncu Marcel, Fodorean Ioan, Bătinaş Răzvan-Horaţiu, Croitoru Adina-Eliza, Şerban Gheorghe, Buzilă Liviu-Ioan, Rus Elena, Nagy Egon-Zsolt, Man Titus-Cristian, Filip Sorin, Rusu Raularian, Surd Vasile, Benedek József, Bodocan Voicu-Nicolae, Ciangă Nicolae, Dezsi Ştefan, Pop Grigor P., Nicoară Liviu, Păcurar Alexandru, Puşcaş-Covaciu Angelica, Rotar Gabriela, Zotic Vasile, Ipatiov Filip, Vescan Iuliu, Bădărău Alexandru-Sabin, Bodea Petrică-Ciprian, Mihăescu Radu, Drăguţ Lucian, Spânu Radu, Cocean Radu, Onac Petroniu Bogdan, Popescu Claudia, Molnar Geza, Racoviţă Gheorghe, Crişan Ovidiu, Floca Liviu, Pendea Florin, Boia Nastasia

Publisher: Presa Universitară Clujeană
Publication date: 2004
Description: 273 p., A4, 63 ill., ISBN: 973-610-284-X

The comprehensive and complex analysis of the regional territory, illustrated in this case for the North-West Development Region, becomes a conglomerate of immediate, practical solutions, but also a reference point for the future planning activities. The detailed knowledge of the territory, the spatial vision that emerges from the pages of this study and the identification of the interrelations between the different components of the region (technical infrastructure, the competitive economic aspects, the complex social and human resources, and the state of the environment) are conditions for the success of this planning model.

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